The Awakening

Why I AM Talking to White People About Race

This is the most relevant, radical and revolutionary course I’ve ever taken. I was able to explore themes that raised self awareness and promoted self-development which then translated into action.

I recommend this course if you’re ready to walk on a path of self discovery. If we can all take this step, we will create an equal and just society for all.
— Satwinder K. Sondh, Specialist Physiotherapist

Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells around your racial awareness?

Do you feel some fear and guilt at concepts like privilege, systemic racism, and the differences between overt and covert types of racism?

Do you want to truly understand, so you can embody more empathy, more inclusivity and more humility in your work and your life?

I AM talking to white people about race and I created THE AWAKENING for you.

The Awakening is my foundation anti-racism course which combines anti-racism education with mindfulness techniques and meditations.

It's a unique take on anti-racism work where we rely on your consciousness and your presence to cultivate change.

It is a place of deep and rich inner reflection where first and foremost I challenge you to simply stand still.

Stand still to observe and notice what comes up for you without judgment and without any preconceived ideas or criticisms, and when the unmistakable chitter chatter of the mind starts, we refocus and take it back into the body.

Back to the breath. Back to sensations. And right back into the present moment. 

Although this is very much an anti-racism course it is underpinned and influenced by mindfulness practices and principles, because I truly believe that presence brings about a conscious power that resides within us. Being present allows us to focus and appreciate the task in hand for what it is.

Mindfulness put simply means: being completely present in the here and now of what is happening as and when it happens. 

 "In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist – we must be anti-racist."

– Angela Davis, 1979


The Awakening is for you if…

  • you really want to start aligning your value base with your actions

  • you really want to embody more empathy, more inclusivity and more humanity in your work and your life.

And I'm here to support you on that journey.


I'm Ravideep Kaur.

I’m a coach and consultant specialising in anti-oppression, pro-liberation, somatics and decolonisation, and your guide for The Awakening.

My passion for this work stems from me having the awareness and capacity to see things through multiple lenses at the same time.

I’m a second-generation immigrant who has always been passionate about human rights and social justice and after a very successful legal career I continued to align myself with anti-discriminatory practices and anti-racism work, landing roles as an advocate, mentor, mindfulness coach and equality and diversity advisor.

Academically, and in the early years of motherhood as I continued to feel a physical pull to this work, I gained qualifications in equity and diversity leadership, mentorship for leaders, cognitive behavioural therapy, applied mindfulness for stress reduction as well as presence-based coaching.

My depth of knowledge, experience and research, alongside my professional credentials places me in a unique position to carry out this work regarding a topic which is often seen as taboo.

My motivation for this work is my children.  I promised them not so long ago that I will always stand up for what I believe in.  I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words and if you want to see change in the world it is our responsibility to fully embody that change.  

So here I am. 

I have dedicated my life to this work and genuinely believe that this work has the potential to make the world a better place for both my children and other children of colour.

My kids need me - and you – to be brave enough to start talking about race.


What's inside The Awakening

The Awakening is an online course which combines anti-racism education with mindfulness techniques and meditations.

This unique approach allows you to become curious and evaluate how your belief systems have been formed and where they stem from.  

The course covers five foundation topics across five modules:


Module 1 - Sitting In The Discomfort

Raise your understanding of how our mood, feeling and demeanour can change when the topic of racism or even race is introduced, and why this could be happening.


Module 2 - Language: It's Always More Than Just Words

Dissect the multiple functionality of racial justice language, its purpose and who and what it is there to serve.


Module 3 - Systems Upon Systems

We look at the complex nature of systems, and how the external systems which we are conditioned into manifest as internal systems within ourselves. We'll look at how these two systems work together, sometimes unknowingly, to uphold racism.


Module 4 - The Privilege of Whiteness

Our intention is to question the unseen, unconscious advantages that have the power to influence systematic decisions which directly govern, impact and advantage white people and disadvantage people of colour.


Module 5 - The Power Player

We dissect how individuals within the dominant culture can benefit from powers of which they are completely unaware of, very much like privilege.

Ravideep has the unique ability to engage with people quickly and build trusting, honest relationships. She challenges people’s views and opinions in a non-judgmental and thoughtful manner which enables people to reflect on their own attitudes and values in a positive way.

 Each module includes:

  • a video introduction to give you guidance on what to expect and how to get the most out of the content.

  • in-depth analysis of each topic, structured in bite-size chunks so you won't be overwhelmed with information.

  • reflective points and observations to allow inner analysis of the issues that may exist under the surface of your consciousness.

  • final reflections and homework for you to complete before the next module.

Go at your own pace

The Awakening is a self-study course, designed to be worked through at a slow and reflective pace. The idea is that you begin to answer your own questions, move past your own barriers to learning and start to see the world we live in differently.

And you're not on this journey alone. You'll be able to email me at any time to ask questions as you work through the course.

 Bonus content

Each module also includes mindful check-ins, complete with breathing exercises and mindful self-inquiries to re-centre yourself to the present moment.

There are also three powerful and poetic meditations which encapsulate the essence of the whole course, written by yours truly and are also available in audio version so my words can literally be played in your living room: Presence, Peace & Power.

Please do not worry if you are new to mindfulness as there is no need for any prior knowledge to start this course. You will be guided through the principles and practical exercises throughout the course. 

The mindfulness meditations were extremely helpful and even though I’ve completed the course I still come back to them and use them regularly.
— Satwinder K. Sondh, Specialist Physiotherapist

 Start your Awakening

Begin this unique journey of self-reflection and growth. Begin to encompass anti-racism practices to your personal and professional life.

Ravideep listens objectively and responds to people’s needs which empowers and improves their resilience for their own social and personal development. Her role as an educator, coach and mentor has seen her change the lives of individuals for the better and she continues to be an inspiration to me and everyone that she meets.
— Sharon Desbois

This course is for courageous souls who are ready to align their value base directly with their actions.  For those that are ready to challenge the status quo and are willing to examine their own fundamental assumptions on what they think they know or don’t know about this subject matter.

The Awakening: Why I AM Talking to White People About Race is a unique course which sets you on the path of truly becoming anti-racist.

 If the computer says NO and you happen to experience a technical hitch, please e-mail me and we will figure it out asap.

Please note: There are no refunds available for this course so please think carefully before you invest.

Join today

Take active steps on your journey towards becoming actively anti-racist.